Saturday, March 25, 2006

wish i was taller, wish i was..

It seems that the fates are having a little fun with my life. Rolling around all the options and keeping me in suspense or more accurately suspended. Occasionally a person can twirl up some action, but not right now. No, now we must wait. On a brighter note, a person in my life has the ability to annoy me to an obscene degree. Her whiny voice rakes the insides of my ears and reflects the vapid emptiness of her lobes. What is the bright part you may ask? Well, she ain't gonna be around for a while.

I was standing on my bed today to look in the mirror (logistics problem with my room, honest, I do this very rarely) and it struck me what it would be like to be taller. It could be very powerful. Although you might start to get a false sense of untouchability. Think I'll stick with a special someone giving me piggy-back rides.

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