Thursday, March 09, 2006

dolly we understand

Yesterday, two separate people were crossing the street, each of them talking to the air. One was saying "No, I can tell you it ain't that way!" and the other saying "Yes, I told you that is what happened!" One person was talking on their cell phone and the other was raving mad. Apparently, behaviour that was considered unacceptable is now perfectly acceptable. That may be a small comfort if I'm ever at the point of having make-believe conversations with myself.

In observation of International Women's day, I met and had dinner with some fabulous women. Lots of things were discussed, only one of which being Dolly Parton's appearance at the oscars and whether women in the spotlight should be called out for having cosmetic surgery (a la pink's new video). Do they have a responsibility as public figures? Or if we should not criticize, but have compassion for these women and the immense pressure they are under to be (and stay) in the public spotlight; and instead concentrate on changing the system that makes them feel they need to do that in order to stay in the public eye. I have to say I am on the fence. I dig the compassion for other women thing, but especially in my private life I try to stay away from people that choose to perpetuate the patriarchy, and that includes women that insist on having competitive critical relationships with other women; don't need it. But does that make me critical and then perpetuating the patriarchy by not supporting those other women? Eh, I don't think so.

The best quote from the women's day dinner was, "He had a dick the size of a burritto." We were in the mission, so you know, it makes sense.

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