This picture is proof that a wild parrot lives in my neighborhood. He nestles in the palm tree in front of my house. After months of hearing his lonely call and only catching glimpses of him from far away, TODAY he appears right in front of us, squaks and seems to pose for the camera. Is it a send off?
A parrot sighting helped me get through this trying day of Uhauls and dumping old sofas. We also had a Jim Jones Jr. sighting inside the Uhaul store. Then we passed a group of witches leaving the farmer's market. California is kooky, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I finished off my day with a screening of Bunuel's The Phantom of Liberty which is seriously absurd followed by some very hot food from S's kitchen.
I will miss my days at the theater. I can feel the audience in the theater when I am in the other room. It is a difficult sensation to describe; it's like they are sleeping. A big group of people sleeping together. They are all sitting in the dark experiencing their own separate filmic sensations. I feel protective of them as if they are helplessly suspended in vats. Film is so addictive. I need to continue feeding it.
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