Wednesday, June 18, 2008

oh no you didn't

Yet another reminder I am way far outside of the Northern California politically correct bubble. I found myself today having to explain why the word bitch is not appropriate language to be used in the work place and/or around minors.

The real kicker, is that instead of an open-minded conversation with the person, I was accused of acting superior and lecturing–even though he was the one who insisted that I explain what is so wrong about using the word.

Backed up in a corner, no win situation, the fact that I opened my mouth (and I must extrapolate because I'm a woman "correcting" a man) put me at fault. How tired am I of sexist bullshit eespecially from people around me who swear up and down that they are in no way sexist? So so so so tired.

I found solace in this post from "Finally a Feminism 101 Blog." Thank you feminist bloggers, you kept me sane today.

This sentence particulary sums up my opinion on the matter:

"If you feel like self-censoring to forego the use of misogynist language is a compromise of your integrity, you don’t have much integrity to begin with."

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