Tuesday, June 13, 2006


What Chicago looks like:
There are a lot of different kinds of bricks in Chicago. Brick is everywhere.

How I feel:
I feel like I need a vacation, like I have been operating on overdrive for months. I am actually looking forward to going to the chiropractor. Usually I hate going to see doctors of any kind. I am trying a place called "The Wellness Center", doesn't that sound nice? Oh and St. John's Wart is a wonderful substance. I love it.

How I am getting new stuff:
My books are all showing up busting out of their boxes. I am scouring Craigslist for bookshelves. I have never used Craigslist to acquire things before this move, now I am addicted. I look at anything posted that looks remotely interesting usually "purple" or "vintage" are words that indicate an interesting post.

The status of my cat's cat food:
I am also on the lookout for the special kind of cat food that my cat eats. I have a half a bag left, things are getting desperate. He is a puker. So, I know if I am forced to switch brands I will have a lot of puke to look forward to.

What I did tonight:
I went to the first meeting of the book club tonight with some smarty pants people. We discussed the book "A Brief History of Neoreolism".

1 comment:

lisa said...

Not that anyone is reading this, but I mistakenly called the book "A Brief History of NEOREALISM" when I actually meant "A Brief history of NEOLIBERALISM". No wonder the book club is so over my head.