Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i heart mpls

I've lost my enthusiasm for blogging. Maybe that is not a good thing to admit on a blog. This is an attempt to rekindle our relationship Mr. Blog. I can't even tell if I'm happier now compared to when I lived in California. I don't think it matters anymore because I'm here and that's that. Someone told me that I would love Minneapolis - actually two people did in the same day! And now, I think about Minneapolis often. I recall a grad school program I found there, and I think maybe I am supposed to go live there, even though they have horrible winters even worse than Chicago. They do have the Mississippi. And a bunch of lakes though. Oh, and apparently FIVE food coops!

Here are some random things I've been contemplating:
1) I don't ever want to see any cicadas. 2) Why are people so defensive when a person critiques the movie "Knocked Up"? 3) It may be time to start a new and improved lefty magazine. 4) Will I ever live on an art farm and grow my own food (and make some art)? 5) I just want Jericho to come back on TV (please god.) 6) Why don't I go to budapest? 7) It is claustrophobic in the Midwest. 8) Midwest people hate on California as much as California people hate on the Midwest. (don't tell anyone about that though in an effort to keep the peace.)

This concludes my effort to rekindle my blogging romance. Goodnight.

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