Sunday, March 25, 2007
they call it the windy city
The wind is kicking up and the air is getting that bit of electric feeling that happens in the summer. More and more threads bind me here. Chicago is becoming comfortable, even though at times I don't like it. The winter was hard, but we did sit in a neighborhood bar the other night (the "Chip Inn") and drank beer while a jazz band played in the corner, the door open on the first warm night in a long time. I can see it in eager faces and hear it in friendly voices, that I could become enmeshed here, I could let Chicago in. It's possible to remember the good things about this city when there is no ice on the ground. I can begin to wonder if Chicago is smarter than I think it is; I will live here, go about my business, until one day I can't think of living any place else. Just like that. Without realizing that Chicago has played one hell of a trick on me.
Monday, March 19, 2007
still against the war.
An estimated 40,000 people protested the Iraq war in San Francisco yesterday. There was also a good showing in NYC. My favorite sign reads, "I can't believe I'm still f-ing protesting this shit!." Four years - it's hard to believe.
Friday, March 16, 2007
moon in scorpio
The Moon in Scorpio is noted for its emotional intensity and drive. These people are naturally obssessive and compulsive and need intense stimulation on a daily basis, whether its sex or physical activity or highly emotional relationships. They cannot stand over-intellectualism, indecisiveness, or superficiality. They go with their gut instincts and they are usually right. Their keen sensitivities or powers of perception make them good researchers, investigators or buisness people. Their probing instincts also make them good doctors, surgeons, psychologists, and sex and crime workers. They preoccupy themselves daily with issues of death, regeneration, and the occult.
Please Click Here
Please Click Here
Thursday, March 15, 2007
interests include
"Chocolate stout, owls and Winged Things, Westerns, Coney Island, Douglas Firs, and Absinthe"
-From the best profile I've read in a long time.
-From the best profile I've read in a long time.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
happy in la
LA was stressful, too hot, and basically horrible when I lived there. But now, when I look at LA blogs it seems like an easy place. People are wearing their converse and short sleeves. Artists and muscians are happily eating pizza while casually sitting on a bench. Local venues are sprouting. People are smiling. Even a secret underground bakery exists. I want to be with the nonchalantly talented ones walking around in the balmy LA night. It may be time for a visit.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
i used to love ny
I caught an episode of The Facts of Life the other day. Natalie and Tootie went to NYC, and Natalie decided to move there. It was deep in the 80s and she moved into an apartment full of young artist/doctor/dancer/painter early 20-somethings all endearingly different and quirky and young, and as Natalie says, "the most forwardest people I've ever met." Natalie realized that she belonged there. And she got all inspired and wrote an article for the New Yorker, and was full of NYC excitement and the feeling of being in the right place at the best time. Natalie really came into her own in this episode. Back in the day, I thought that NYC would be that place for me. I would figure out who I was and get all creative. I used to love New York City like that when I imagined moving there.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
sun worshipper

Today is the first sunny day in a long time. We went for a walk in the neighborhood without jackets. It's like the sunshine is finding it's way down into my soul. Everything starts uncurling from the wintertime darkness and Chicago doesn't seem so bad.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
a monster
There once was a dog named Solomon. He was big, mostly white, with a few black splotches unevenly placed, over one eye and on his back. He looked very scary, so scary that when I walked with him down the street it was common for little children to scream, "Aaah! There's a monster!" Solomon would happily wag his tail ignorant of how frightened people were of him. He already had a bad reputation. He was a Pit Bull. He was expected to be very bad, especially by his original owners who had clipped his ears. Sol never lived up to the expectations put on him. He was as sweet as can be, big jowls and wide shoulders, he always wanted to be pet. But it turns out one part of him was bad; he had a bad heart. He died a young dog, sweet til the end, from a heart attack.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
keep on walking
The past few days have been busy and full of different experiences. I saw a dozen basketball players crying, a bunch of snow swirling, and hundreds of teenagers reciting poetry. And someone reminded me of an old lady I once met who had her throat slashed walking home from the theater. She had to be close to 80 years old. The fantastic thing, was that afterwards, when she recovered, she kept on walking. Walking home from the theater unafraid. In a world with so many scary things, I hope to be like that old lady and keep walking no matter what happens.
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